The Broadway Tarot Reader, Playbill Horoscopes Author

Emily McGill

Emily McGill is a Broadway publicist turned Tarot reader, whose unforgettable readings mix Tarot, spirituality, self-discovery, and Broadway fandom! In her “past life,” Emily represented countless Broadway shows over the course of 15 years, including The Lion King, Aladdin, CatsRock of Ages, and Memphis. Emily offers Meet-and-Greets, Career Consultations, and of course, amazing Tarot Readings that are sure to surprise enlighten the Broadway fan in you!

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Emily McGill is a Broadway publicist turned Tarot reader, whose unforgettable readings mix Tarot, spirituality, self-discovery, and Broadway fandom! In her “past life,” Emily represented countless Broadway shows over the course of 15 years, including The Lion King, Aladdin, CatsRock of Ages, and Memphis. Emily offers Meet-and-Greets, Career Consultations, and of course, amazing Tarot Readings that are sure to surprise enlighten the Broadway fan in you!