Your Broadway Resource

Broadway Plus You

Broadway Plus is the world’s first and only Broadway experience company, connecting you to the magic of theatre through custom experiences. We create incomparable Broadway memories, both in-person and virtually.

Available Broadway Experiences

Virtual One-on-One

Book Broadway artists for lessons, meet and greets, shoutouts and more!

VIP Experiences

Book premium Broadway tickets, pre-show cast dinners, and more!

Corporate Events

Book custom concerts and other premium entertainment options!

Educational Events

Book workshops, Q&As, educational concerts, and more!

Group Tickets

Book discount tickets to Broadway shows for groups of 10 or more!

take a peek behind the curtain

bring the theater to you
Digitally connect with stars one-on-one for an experience like never before
Hear stories from the cast members behind your favorite shows and how they’ve made a name for themselves on the big stage
Experience an intimate concert and sing along to your favorite show tunes from home
Have your family or friends join in for a group session!

We use Zoom for all of our private virtual experiences. Once an experience has been paid for and scheduled, you will receive a Zoom Invite from Broadway Plus. Please download the Zoom app (it’s free!), if you don’t already have it.

What Our Customs Say

Experiences that go above and beyond the ticket