Backup Dancer for Lady Gaga

Montana Efaw

Montana Efaw started dancing with a little-known pop star who called herself Lady Gaga at the age of 18, and the rest is history! Montana’s dance training is primarily hip hop, she began studying in her hometown of Oswego, Oregon at age 10. Montana has since completed 4 major world tours with Lady Gaga, as well as countless shorter promo tours, award shows, music videos, and more. She’s also choreographed for artists including Selena Gomez, Cardi B, the 1975, and more. Montana loves to connect with her fans for meet-and-greets, coachings, dance classes, and Q&As. Get “behind the music” with this dance superstar!

One-on-One Q&A (Virtual) 30 Minutes (Meet-and-Greet)
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